A Feast with King Midas

A Feast with King Midas (2013) is an experimental short film, which deals with mortality, the overuse of our natural resources and the  cockiness of the human psyche. It is also a current interpretation of the Vanitas-topic – the description of human mortality.
Experimental short film. Three channel and one channel theatrical version. (3min 35s)

Merida Film Festival. 2018. (MEX)
Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie. 2017. (GER)
New York City Independent Film Festival. 2017. (USA)
Mediabox/Forumbox. 2014. (FI)
Helsinki Short Film Festival. 2014. (FI)
Haihara Art Center. 2014. (FI)
Hyvinkää Art Museum. 2014. (FI)
Helsinki Art Museum. 2013. (FI)

Selected Works

The Common TableProject type

Remnant LayersProject type

Everyday VrealitiesProject type

EmbraceProject type

Ex NihiloProject type

Null StatueProject type

SolaceProject type

CollateralProject type

UnfitProject type

EventProject type

Self-PortraitProject type

Race CodeProject type